
Stuff I'm working/worked on, find cool, or just want to talk about.

turing machine tape encoding of ram

Complexity Analysis and Hidden Assumptions

A lesson in Turing machines, complexity theory, and a note to myself to be careful for implicit assumptions.

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\[\Gamma \cup \{A\} \vdash B\] \[\Gamma \vdash A \to B \]

The Deduction Theorem

Or, an introduction to the metatheory of propositional logic.

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4 graphs next to code


Creating and plotting regression models in Python made as quick and easy as possible.

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A randomly generated sentence based on a prompt

N-gram-based Sentence Generation

Before deep learning, n-gram models were the common statistical method for generating surprisingly grammatical nonsense.

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A randomly generated sentence based on a prompt

Huffman Compression

In 1952, David Huffman Sc.D. invented a simple, yet powerful, method of encoding information with minimal data usage. Today, it is most commonly used as a method for lossless data compression.

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